Keep up to date!

RepScout is only just getting started. Follow along here for updates on its development!

Improved Fixed
3 months ago

1.0.2 : Sorted actions & fixed terms

Improved Action Sorting
The official profile activity list has been improved! Previously, actions were being sorted a bit haphazardly, and they might've appeared suddenly in the middle of the list while you were scrolling through. Now, actions are sorted by time and the group that they belong to, giving you a more pleasant and accurate list.

Fixed Official Terms
Some officials were appearing in the wrong districts. This turned out to be because of old data RepScout was collecting about officials. For example, Bill Foster (IL) appeared to represent district IL-14, but he actually represents IL-11 for the current Congress, but he did represent IL-14, just in 2007.

The Congresses associated with the terms were all being associated with the official's first term instead of the correct term for the given Congress. This has been fixed.

1.0.1 : Fixed actions referencing the wrong data

An issue has been resolved where actions were being associated with the wrong items. For instance, you might've seen a proposal on a Senator's profile for a House bill (For reference, members can only propose bills for the chamber they are a member of).
With this update, the process by which RepScout captures data to display on an official's profile has been made thoroughly robust and much more effective.

RepScout has launched!

I am very happy to announce that RepScout has released with version 1.0! 🎉🍾

It is building the profiles for every official in Congress as we speak and will be keeping a track record of their actions very shortly, such as:
  • Votes
  • Motions
  • Presentations
  • Debates
  • Cosponsorships
  • Proposals
  • Missed & absent votes
  • ...and more, and we're just getting started.

And if you're tuning in from the Congress.Gov Public Forum, welcome!

Now that RepScout has released, the immediate goals are to start working towards:
  • Admin controls (so that I can keep a better eye on RepScout and jump in if there are any issues)
  • Track actions of members of Congress while in Committee
    • (ℹī¸) Committees are the first place where bills go to either die or eventually be "marked up" by the committee with amendments and referred to the main body of the chamber to vote on
  • Profiles for State Legislators

Thank you! đŸ’¯

Improved Mobile UI Experience

RepScout was a bit difficult to use on mobile devices. I'm happy to announce that the app has been updated to work well on mobile devices! 📱
Now, you can easily access all the valuable information on RepScout while on the go, whether you're checking out the track records of government officials during your commute or researching candidates from the palm of your hand. 🚀
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