Improved Fixed
3 months ago

1.0.2 : Sorted actions & fixed terms

Improved Action Sorting
The official profile activity list has been improved! Previously, actions were being sorted a bit haphazardly, and they might've appeared suddenly in the middle of the list while you were scrolling through. Now, actions are sorted by time and the group that they belong to, giving you a more pleasant and accurate list.

Fixed Official Terms
Some officials were appearing in the wrong districts. This turned out to be because of old data RepScout was collecting about officials. For example, Bill Foster (IL) appeared to represent district IL-14, but he actually represents IL-11 for the current Congress, but he did represent IL-14, just in 2007.

The Congresses associated with the terms were all being associated with the official's first term instead of the correct term for the given Congress. This has been fixed.